Monday, August 31, 2009


I have been TRYING to lose weight since having my baby in April! I did happen to take off most of the baby weight, but there is a stubborn 6 lbs lingering ALONG with oh another 35-45 lbs to take off! Cough cough. It's tough to admit, but true.

SO, in an effort to get rid of those oh so attractive thunder thighs, and adorable muffin top, I am stepping it up a notch!

I have been going to spinning class (translation: 75 minutes of torture) twice a week for a few months now. I have also been "watching" what I eat. I tried weight watchers, to no avail and decided to give it a go solo for a while. didn't work. Although I have taken off inches and toned up quite a bit, the scale barely budges.

I am very excited to start this fun journey with all of you fellow "Biggest Losers" and can't wait to get to know you all!



Karilynn said...

Shannon! Congrats on your baby! April wasn't that long ago. In Utah terms you could use the I just had a baby rule excuse till next april! ;o) It's fantastic to have such amazing women in this comp. I look forward to seeing you succeed in this journey!

Shannon said...

Thank you Karilynn!!! Off to your blog!

Vicki said...

Like Karilynn said, April really wasn't that long ago at all! This competition will definitely help.